Schedules & Minutes
Meetings are held at Horizon Elementary.
September 28, 2023Start Time – 11:30 a.m.
November 30, 2023Start Time – 11:30 a.m.
January 25, 2024Start Time – 11:30 a.m.
February 9, 2024Start Time – 11:30 a.m.
**All meetings are open to the public & greater school community.
Community Council Minutes
Horizon Elementary Community Council Minutes
In attendance: Brittney Johnson, Courtney Anderson, Jennifer Dobson, Kalli Davenport, April Heath
11:32 – April Heath welcomed everyone and showed the video about what our role is as a council and School Land Trust (STL) funds.
11:35 – The goals for the 23-24 school year were discussed:
- The percentage of students well below on end of year Acadience Reading composite scores will be on or below 10%. The student growth average on EOY Acadience Reading composite scores will be 75% or above.
- Hire paraprofessionals and teachers to enhance Tier 1 and Tier 2 instruction and interventions and pay stipends for before and after school enhancement activities. (TSSA and SLT)
- Purchase books and curriculum that will enhance Tier 1 and Tier 2 instruction and interventions. (TSSA)
- Provide substitutes for teacher planning and learning walks. (SLT, TSSA)
- Provide professional education opportunities. (SLT)
- 75% of students will meet their grade level goals in ELA, Math, and Science as determined by grade level teachers.
- Purchase software programs for students. (SLT)
- Purchase technology for classrooms. (TSSA)
11:55 Upcoming Meeting Schedule:
- November 30th, 11:30 in Horizon’s Conference Room
- January 25th, 11:30 in Horizon’s Conference Room
- February 29th, 11:30 in Horizon’s Conference Room
- March 28th, 11:30 in Horizon’s Conference Room
12:05 Kalli motioned that Brittney Johnson be the 2023-2024 Community Council Chair and Jennifer Dobson the Vice Chair. Brittney Johnson seconded the motion. The rest of the council agreed.
12:10 Brittney brought up questions about parking lot safety and Back to School Night. April will look into what further can be done for parking lot safety and if our future Back to School Night can be the week before school starts instead of the day before.
12:15 Meeting adjourned.
August 24th 2023 Amendment
– Goal #1 has not changed. However, we adjusted the Salaries and Benefits total above to include the funds for paraprofessionals, teachers, before/after school stipends and substitutes (the total amount is a combination of action steps 1 and 3).
Goal #2: Previously stated: 75% of students will meet required minutes/goals of their grade level in reading and math.
Updated Goal #2: 75% of students will meet their grade level goals in ELA, Math, and Science as determined by grade level teachers.
– With this adjustment in the goal, we added $5,000 of carryover to the Software expenditure category for a total of $15,000 (action step 1).
Community Council
Serving on our School Community Council is a wonderful way for parents and teachers to contribute and help improve academic performance at our school. The school receives an annual dividend from the school trust lands. Our council decides how these funds will be used. Last year our school received $70,245.00 from the School LAND Trust Program. The council reviews and prepares other academic plans for our students each year. All plans are reviewed for final approval by our school board. Councils also act in an advisory capacity to school and school district administrations.
If you are interested in being part of the School Community Council for this year, please email the School at gro.21khsaw@reklaw.haras or stop by the office.
Council Responsibilities
- Review school U-PASS data. U-PASS is a series of student tests. Councils should review group results but individual data should not be shared. Other assessments may also be reviewed
- Develop a School Improvement Plan
- Develop a School LAND Trust Plan
- Participate in the development of the Professional Development Plan
- Develop a Child Access Routing Plan
- Advise the school administration on local school issues
- Provide an opportunity for issues of concern in the community to be presented to the school administration
- Develop a Reading Achievement Plan
More information regarding the work of the Council and the current plan can be found by visiting the School LAND Trust Website: School Land Trust
Horizon Elementary School Improvement Plan
Council Members
- Chair – Brittney Johnson
- Vice Chair – Jennifer Dobson
- Parent – Cortney Anderson
- Parent – Megan Bryan
- Parent – Liesl Comeford
- Parent – Kalli Davenport
- Principal – April Heath
- gro.21khsaw@htaeh.lirpa
- School Employee – Kara Remington
- gro.21khsaw@notgnimer.arak
Elections for the Community Council take place each year in September. This is one of the many ways that we encourage our school community to become involved in the education process.